LIKES: travel, cooking, harry potter, mermaids, shopping, paranormal, haunted locations, the flash, supergirl, ghosts, swimming, reading, hgtv, food network, movies, kids, dogs, disney, thunderstorms
DISLIKES: bullying, liars, dark chocolate, being ignored, diet sodas, energy drinks, bugs,
Eliana is an independent young woman. She tries her hardest to be optimistic. Even when things aren’t going the best, she will try to look on the positive side of things. There are times she struggles to be optimistic however, especially when thinking of her deceased father. Overall, she is happy and excited where her life is at right now. She recently started a new job and is loving it. She is still trying to balance the life of being an adult with making sure she still has fun. She tends to be spontaneous and loves to make last minute decisions to go do things and is relatively care free. She can be wild and have fun when she is with her friends even though she seems much more calm and down to earth to outsiders. She cares a great deal about others and will always do what she can to help her friends and family. She is also a bit of a nerd, and isn't ashamed of it!

Eliana Delgado was born into a very loving family in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Her parents Gabriel and Angelina were high school sweethearts. They started dating at 17 years old and spent as much time together as possible, despite Angelina's parents thinking she was too young. The couple proved her parents wrong though, as they stuck together through high school and college. Soon after graduating from college, the two got married and had their first child. Angelina is a photographer and artist. Gabriel began working in business, taking after his own father. Although he had a hand at landing his job at the beginning, he worked his way up the ladder with his own hard work. A year after taking over one of his father's businesses, they welcomed Eliana into their family. Eliana is very family oriented and was very close to her parents and older sibling. She was definitely a Daddy's girl growing up and loved being able to spend as much time as she could with him. Gabriel eventually took on the rest of his father's businesses when he decided to retire.

Eliana lived in Brazil until she was 8 years old. She had a happy childhood while in Brazil. During that time she was very close to her grandparents who lived very close so she spent a lot of time with them. She had a group of friends she was close with, however since she moved to America at 8 years old, there is only one friend she remains in contact with to this day. Whenever her family went back to visit for family or business, the two would get to spend time together. The friend lived very close to Eliana's grandparents' house so it was convenient to keep in touch. Eventually once they were old enough for phones, the two communicated through texts, calls, and social media.

Moving to America at 8 years old, speaking barely any English, was extremely hard in the beginning. There were many times when she knew she was being bullied, but couldn't understand what they were saying. Nor could she speak up and defend herself. She could tell by the way they looked at her and the tone of the voices though that they weren't being kind. She had a couple of friends, so she stuck close to them and kept to herself when they weren't around. She was very thankful that she had friends who helped her out and a great school who worked with her on her English so she was able to learn rather quickly. By high school, she had many more friends and began coming out of her shell at last.

After graduating from high school, Eliana decided to become a teacher. She felt inspired by the great teachers she had who believed in her and helped her when she first arrived in the country. She wanted to become that kind of inspiration to other kids and have an impact on their lives. Not only that, but she hoped that she might some day have a student who was new to the country that could relate to her story and she could help in the same way her teachers helped her. In 2016, her father Gabriel, passed away after being in a horrible car accident. Eliana was a complete wreck upon hearing the news. She had a period of very self-desctructive behavior while she coped. Although time has passed, she still struggles at times with the loss.

Upon graduating from college, her mother allowed her to use some of the money her father had set aside for her prior to his death to purchase a two bed, two bath condo which she shares with her roommate. In 2018, Eliana began teaching 4th grade at Creative Arts, a charter school. She loves her school and being able to work with kids every day. Eventually she hopes to work at Buena Vista Horace Mann, a Spanish immersion school where all students are taught to be bilingual in English and Spanish where she can help students who are new to the country as she once was.

Best friends, her first friend when she moved to America at 8 years old.

older sibling (open!)

roommate (open!)

friend who grew up in brazil with her but moved to san fran (open!)

friends from when she first moved to america (open!)

exes, hook ups, love interests (open!)

open for new lines. hit up my ooc to brainstorm or suggest ideas!